Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Hello Indie Artists \m/ ._. \m/

I have decided to make a talk radio platform designed specifically for you.  This will be your place to "vent" anything your heart desires.  Your successes, your accomplishments, your failures & frustrations, your opinions and of course your ideas.

You make up the "U" n I make up the "I" in UNIR1.  This web radio station powered by Krykey Internet Radio signifies this relationship.  USE IT WELL as it is a VERY POWERFUL TOOL!

Together, UNIR1 Voice in this musical UNIVERSE.  Let our words be heard!  Let the INDIE BEGIN!


Scott Price

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


For the first time, the playing field is now level for everyone.  Welcome to Digital Media!

Your name is your "Brand"
Your business card is your "Website"
Your songs are now called “MP3’s”
Your distribution is now called “download”
Your promotions are now called “Social Media”
Your advertising is now called “Viral Marketing”
Your booking is now called “Networking”
And your FM/AM is now called “Global Internet Radio”

Not only has the lingo changed.  But, the trend on how to make money in the music business has changed as well.  No longer do you have to worry about packaging 1,000's of CD's or distributing them.  There is no more need to run to every radio station to beg for airplay.  Contacting people that would normally take days to do, now takes a nano-second.

The bad news is that record companies relying on CD sales are broke and these dissapointing figures are passed all the way down the corporate chain till finally it gets to us, the artist.

The good news is every single Independent artist, musician & band has the opportunity to finally be successful in the music business.  And it has nothing to do with how good you are or who you know anymore.  It's about you, your music and the people who listen and love it and want it!

The age of the Independent Artist has arrived.  We've sweated, worked hard and sacrificed so much for the one thing that we all love, music!  Music = Life for all of us in this industry.   This blog is your voice.  It is our voice! We, as Indie artist have this one moment right now to take this industry and turn it upside down.  We deserve to reap the rewards of our gifts that we give to our audience so selflessly.

We've proved to the world that we are all worthy enough to share the stage with some of the greatest artists that we admire.  Question is, why aren't we getting rewarded properly for it? And why do we have to struggle through so much corporate tape to get there?

Direct submissions to our blog will be taken at UNIR1NETWORK@gmail.com They will then be posted here and up for discussion among our members.

I encourage all of you to post everything & anything you want in regards to music.  Any ideas or stories good or bad you would like to share, please do.  Consider this your IA meeting! Indie Anonymous.

I look forward to your emails and your comments!

Scott Price